"A fool and his money are soon parted." Here are some scams involving legal issues. If any transaction
sounds to good to be true, it is! Before you give your credit card number over the phone, or before you
sign anything, call Ronald J.. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax), Counsellor at Law, at (856) 665-2121 or
E-Mail at Ron@taxesq.com
The Bank Wire Transfer Scam (1)
A caller claims that in response to a computer malfunction, your bank is asking customers to transfer
their money to a "special account" which will ensure safety through the computer change and the
coversion of all computer systems. The caller then asks for your account numbers and authorization to
transfer your money to this "special account." The truth is there is no "special account" and the caller is
not from you bank. The caller users you account numbers to wire funds from your account to his.<