Limited Liability Companies
Liability Companies have the tax advantages of a Partnership with the
liability protections of a corporation
Since the adoption of Limited Liability Acts by the
various states, LLC's have become the predominate form of new business.
The Limited Liability Company is an extremely flexible tool which has
the limited liability advantages of a corporation and the tax
advantages of a partnership or sole proprietorship.
Tax Advantages
The essential advantage of a limited liability company is that it
provides pass-through treatment without taxation at the entity level,
essentially partnership tax treatment, while shielding members from
personal liability. Multiple member LLC's are treated as a partnership
and file a US Partnership Tax Return Form 1065. Single Member LLC's can
be treated as a Sole Proprietorship and are taxed on the member's 1040
Schedule C. Limited liability companies then provide the advantage of
protecting its members from the liabilities of debts and obligations,
similar to corporate shareholders. It should be noted, however, that
this limited liability has been continuously eaten away, particularly
in the area of environmental law, and it is not expected that limited
liability companies would fare any better. If a limited liability
company is properly structured, it will be treated as a partnership
pass-through entity.
General Tax
Because a limited liability company is an unincorporated business
entity, the Internal Revenue Service will not treat it as a corporation
unless it has more corporate characteristics than non-corporate
characteristics. The Entity Classification Election filed with the IRS
can specify whether the LLC will be treated as a Corporation,
Partnership or Proprietorship. Because these fundamental rules have
been established over a long period of time where taxpayers tried to
classify entities as corporations, and the Internal Revenue Service
tried to compel pass-through entity, the regulations favor pass-through
status. Treasury Reg. § 301.7701-2 lists the
following six characteristics in determining whether a business is
subject to corporate taxation:
(1) Associates
(2) An objective to carry on business and divide the profits
(3) Limited liability
(4) Continuity of life
(5) Free transferability of interest
(6) Centralized management
creator of a DAPT can choose to structure the trust
as a
completed gift for federal gift tax purposes while still excluding the
trust principal from his or her gross estate for federal estate tax
purposes if the settler can only receive distributions from the trust
in the absolute discretion of an independent trustee. Conversely, the
truster of a DAPT can intentionally prevent a completed gift by
retaining a special testamentary power of appointment.
Chapel Avenue West
Hill, New
Jersey 08002
(856) 665-9005
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