Probate and Estate Administration
If you have ever been named as executor or administrator of the estate
of a deceased person, you are well aware of the many responsibilities
the personal representative must assume. The process of administering
an estate involves collection of assets, payment of debts and
inheritance taxes, and distribution to the beneficiaries.
Surrogate- "Probate Court"
The process of estate administration begins when the personal
representative appears at the County Surrogate's office ten days after
the death of the decedent (deceased person). At this time, the
Surrogate requires the following:
* Death Certificate
* Will
* Petition for Letters of Administration
(if there is not a Will)
* Estimated Value of Estate Assets
* Proof of Identification
* List of Potential Beneficiaries,
- relationship to
- approximate ages
- dates of death
o Check for Fees
Letters Testamentary.
A decedent is said
to have died testate if he/she left a valid Will. Upon receipt of all
of the above, the Will is probated and Letters Testamentary are issued
to the individual named in the Will as Executor of the Estate.
Letters of Administration
A decedent is said
to have died intestate if he/she did not leave a Will. After the filing
of a Petition, the Surrogate will issue Letters of Administration to
the individual appointed by the Court to act Administrator of the
Personal Representative
The personal
representative, either the Executor or the Administrator, is now
responsible for the property of the estate. The personal representative
o Keep the property separate
o Exercise prudent judgment in:
- preserving the
- selling the
- investing the
o Be faithful to the interests of those to whom the property will
ultimately be distributed.
Stages of
There are six stages
of Estate Administration for which the Executor or Administrator is
Order to Limit Creditors
The first stage
involves publishing a notice to creditors. When the personal
representative appears at the Surrogate's office, he/she should
specifically request an Order to Limit Creditors. This provides that
creditors of the estate must make claims within six months of the date
of the Order or their claims will be barred.
The second step is
to prepare an inventory of the assets of the estate. This is generally
done by making an informal listing of all of the assets of the estate.
The listing should be divided into the following categories:
o Real Estate
o Bank accounts, CD's and/or Securities
o Personal Property
Payment of Debts and Expenses
Thirdly, the
personal representative must manage the financial affairs of the estate
including the payment of debts and expenses. Another listing should be
made including:
o Debts of the Decedent - due and unpaid prior to the date of death
o Expenses of the Estate - anticipated for the next nine months
In order to facilitate proper accounting and recording of payments, the
personal representative should open an Estate Checking account The
Executor or Administrator may withdraw up to one-half the balance of
the accounts in the name of the Decedent by presenting a Surrogate's
Certificate and the bank book. The bank will prepare a check made
payable to the estate. A copy of this check should be made and it
should then be deposited into the Estate Checking account. The balances
left in the decedent's accounts are only obtainable with a New Jersey
Inheritance Tax Waiver.
Inheritance / Estate Tax Return
Next, the personal representative has the responsibility of filing an
inheritance tax return with the State in which the decedent lived, and
possibly a Form 706, US Estate Tax Return, with the IRS. This return
must be filed and any taxes due must be paid within eight months of the
date of death to avoid interest penalties.
After the preceding stages are completed, an accounting should be
prepared reflecting all financial transactions. An accounting is a
statement showing the following:
+ Assets of the Estate
+ Income from Assets
+ Liquidation of Assets
+ Payments of Debts/Expenses
+ Interim Distributions
+ Remaining Property
Finally, the personal representative must distribute the assets of the
estate to the beneficiaries in accordance with the will or the State
Laws concerning intestacy. Upon distribution, a Refunding Bond and
Release should be filed with the Surrogate's Court for each
beneficiary. This releases the personal representative from further
responsibility for the estate.
The time to consult an attorney is BEFORE you assume any of the above
responsibilities. An attorney will assist you in each stage of probate
to ensure that you have fulfilled all legal requirements.
Chapel Avenue West
Hill, New
Jersey 08002
(856) 665-9005
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