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taxation law questions Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D.,LL.M.(Tax) Lawyer and Business Attorney

 Ronald J. Cappuccio,
J.D., LL.M.(Tax)
Counsellor at Law
taxation, irs, collections, audits

Purchase and Sale of Business

The business law attorneys at Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax) Lawyer,
help new business owners purchase a new business venture. Our firm has more than 30 years' experience helping people buy and sell business and commercial property. We negotiate the deal, help verify the legal and tax aspects of the business (known as "due diligence"), prepare the Agreement of Sale and all of the necessary documents, and plan for the best tax advantages. We "walk" you through the deal and help with every phase of the transaction.

Purchasing a business is exhilarating and requires many areas of expertise. Our knowledge and experience help negotiate and document the deal so you know what you are getting. Careful planning and execution starting in the first stages of a business purchase or sale can significantly decrease the chances of future misunderstandings, problems and  litigation. The earlier the stage of the transaction we are involved, the more effective are our services. It is a lot better to do it right in the first place rather than have to try to correct past errors.Please, Don't sign ANYTHING until you call us! 

You need an experienced business attorney so you know what you are actually buying.A good business attorney can make the entire transaction go smoothly and much more efficiently. Every delay in completing the business purchase is money our of your pocket.

We have helped the acquisition of many businesses. Some include:

Tax Preparation Services

Translation Services

Handicapped Transportation

Travel Agencies

Taxi Cab Companies

Tailoring Service

Transportation and Freight

Telemarketing and Call Centers

...and those are just the "T's"! 

Business Sale and Parter Disputes

We have many years' experience helping people get out of a bad business partnership. Most of the time these matters can be resolved without litigation, but they are frequently nasty and emotionally and financially devastating..



 1800 Chapel Avenue West
Suite 128
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08002
(856) 665-2121
Fax (856) 665-9005
Email: Ron@TaxEsq.com